Is that really true? Could video games really get kids outside? Not just an exercise video game, but truly outside?

This is how we got our kids voluntarily going outside because of video games. If you want to read the full history and cultural norms that let us on this situation, read more here.

Video Game Acceptance

I hated video games (full story in the link above) and vowed to never get them, but times change and we found ourselves looking for a lightly used Wii. Used because we are hard core financial thrifters. It just doesn’t make sense to buy some things new – video gaming consoles being one of them. 😊

Or maybe just because I hate video games and the cost had to be very low for us to be enticed.

It was important that our kids had boundaries with the technology. That they understood its potential for addiction.

Household Video Games Rules

We played around with different rules. The kids already liked to read and we wanted to keep it an enjoyable, voluntary pass time.

We had time restraints where they could only turn it on after a certain time of day. This rule was in hopes that they would play with each other and develop strong relationships. There always seemed to be a reason for them to want to play outside of those parameters, it’s a weekend, a friend is over that hasn’t played it etc. I felt like I was constantly making decisions.

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It should be more streamlined right? I don’t want to keep making decisions on top of my decisions.

The Outside Video Game Rule

That is when I came up with the outside rule. For every half hour they were outside they got 15 minutes of game time.

It didn’t matter what they did, it just needed to be outside. They started playing with their dog on the lawn. Taking her for walks and lounging in the sun.

Walking the dog to earn video game time
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The kids then conserved their earned time to play at just the right time of night. Even after they come in, they still play with each other first.

Video Games Can be Used for Good

It has been a complete shock to me, they seem happier and are developing delayed gratification at the same time.

You may be wondering why I had to encourage them to go outside in the first place. The story can be found here.

What are your gaming rules?

Until next time,


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