About Me

Hi, I’m Natalie. I’m a mother of four, an artist, and a DIYer that loves to reuse, recycle, and refurbish. I have an obsession for power tools and teaching others how to save money while improving their home.

How does one become a home renovator?

Growing up, my dad said he could tell I was an artist from the moment I could hold a pencil. I loved to draw, until I discovered clay, then I absolutely loved clay. A new medium which allowed me to make anything I needed or wanted. It was empowering. I felt I had finally discovered my medium of choice. Until we bought our first house. There I discovered power tools and the realization that I could change a home into anything I wanted.

That is empowering.

I didn’t have to beg someone else to make what I envisioned and I didn’t have to save thousands before I could even think of updating.

Developing creativity

I grew up in the country, building forts and crafting doll outfits out of leaves. This rich background in natural, unadulterated resources, made room for a creative side. I often look at my children and hope I’m giving them the same opportunity.
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It doesn’t matter if you are a doctor, plumber or artist, creativity helps you solve problems and see things in a way that others haven’t yet. Creativity helps the world progress.

Choosing a Career

In high school I thought I wanted to be an illustrator. After I illustrated my first book, though I enjoyed the process, it wasn’t as fulfilling as I imagined it would be. A few years later we sold our first renovated home. The home sold very well, we had people writing letters begging us to sell to them. Not only was home renovating more profitable than drawing pictures, I absolutely loved the creative process. I quickly became a home improvement enthusiast.


Home improvement is still a hobby next to my day job. Though I loved art and took plenty of courses in college, I was drawn to human development, intrigued by why people do what they do and how we can actually overcome and progress. I came away with a degree in Marriage, Family and Human Development.

In the last 20 years I have

  • worked with businesses to hire high functioning adults with disabilities and helped them stay employed.
  • Overseen the mental health and disabilities in a Head Start spanning four counties.
  • Organized Preschool co-ops and Summer art and science camps.
  • And worked as a behavior coach in an elementary school to solve behavioral problems and help children thrive while learning.

You will find personal development articles on my blog for all the reasons listed above. To live a full life you need creativity and happiness. I truly believe understanding why we do what we do is the best way to personal improvement.

Energy Conservation

When I was 8 years old I visited the city dump and you could say it was life changing. We throw so much away when it could be fixed up and have value again.

Energy conservation and recycling play a big part in my designs. In fact our home went from being a top energy user to consuming half of what other homes our size were using. The improvements we made also made us more comfortable, while saving money.

Few things top the feeling of seeing a finished job. When you can sit down on your own creation or design the perfect space you’ve imagined in your mind. Having people like it so much they are willing to pay you for it is the cherry on top.

Welcome to my journey, turning a house into a home through power tools, good food and personal improvement. I hope you find what empowers you to accomplish everything you’re working for.

Whether you follow my plans to the detail or use it as a springboard into what you have been searching for, best wishes in your journey.

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