I tried to use organic shampoo, it didn’t work. So then I broke down and used the ultra toxic shampoo, then the electric Combs and toxic furniture sprays. You name it – I was still finding lice on my child’s head after a few days.

I began researching and to my horror found lice have adapted and are no longer affected by even toxic shampoos. They are referred to as Super Lice and nothing kills them.

Nothing in a bottle any way. Not willing to simply live with lice, this is what I finally did to kick these creepy parasites to the curb.

Out of desperation I discovered this amazing meathod. 100% organic, kills Super Lice and you’re done in a day. I sincerely hope this article saves you time and head lice trauma.

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First How to organically Rid Your Living Area of Lice

• Wash everything you can in hot water. Sheets, clothes toys.

• Put all other exposed items in garbage bags and store away from people for two weeks. Pillows, toys that don’t wash well etc.

• Change sheets and pillow cases daily, wash dirty sheets in hot water.

• Vacuum carpets, couches, mattresses in sleeping and living areas.

• Boil, or throw away all items used on hair: combs, brushes etc. Or place them in a garbage bag for two weeks.

For even more bedding tips and tricks to rid your place of lice, checkout Lovetoknow.com

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How to Organically, Rid You/Your Child’s Head of Lice

It used to be you could simply buy a toxic – yet effective lice shampoo and be done with lice. This is not only unhealthy it also is no longer an option. Lice have survived and created “super lice,” lice that can’t be killed with shampoos.

Also the toxic shampoos, really are toxic. Coming with warnings to, “leave in your hair for 10 minutes, but no longer,” all the while burning your lungs. They don’t work! And leave you feeling like this… Big time creepy, crawly, nearing-break-down, ick!

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How I Finally Rid My Home of Head Lice

The to-do list above, is essential for getting rid of lice where you sleep and play. Now how to get rid of the lice in your hair – the safe and organic way.

Ok, this is the nitty gritty reasons why we all hate head lice. I’m just going to say it how it is so you can be lice free sooner.

Lice live off our blood, that’s why we itch, they’re parasites. They then lay eggs (or nits) and attach them to our hair close to the scalp. For a more lice behavior and helpful info, checkout Goodhousekeeping.com

Many people say nits are found at the nap of your neck or behind your ears. That wasn’t my experience. I found adult lice, like the one below, at the nap of the neck, nothing behind the ears and nits on the side of the head about 2 inches down from the middle of the scalp.

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Adult lice are not blue however, they are more of a dark brown and clear color, kind of like a fly, but much smaller. Juvenile lice are white and black. They also jump to get away. Nits are white, they at first look like a large piece of dandruff, but unlike dandruff which blows away with a tossel of the hair, nits have to be carefully pulled from the hair with a nit comb or using your finger nail firmly pressed against your thumb to pull each one out.

Step 1: Use Coconut Oil in Place of toxic lice Shampoo

Coconut oil will work in the same way as organic shampoo. It’s oily texture traps the lice so they can’t jump away. You then comb them out with the lice comb and wipe oil and lice on a tissue. I then bagged it up and threw it in the garbage can outsude.

The coconut oil meathod with a few others can be found at this link. I of course really like my full meathod because it worked, but you may be interested in seeing the variety of options at lethow.com

Be very thorough and remove all eggs and lice you can see. This will speed the process. Coconut oil is also great for the skin and scalp, as opposed to the toxic shampoo that makes your skin die and flake.

You will want to use regular shampoo to rinse out the coconut oil once you are done combing through.

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Step 2: Blow Hair Dry

Using a hair dryer, blow the hair completely dry. One of the steps for ridding you’re living area of lice is to put it in a hot clothes dryer- this works. Even super lice can’t live through the heat. You of course don’t want to burn your head or your child’s head so be aware of the temperature on their skin.

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Step 3: The Final Lice Free Step, Use A Flat Iron

This my friends is what finally did it. I kept finding lice after a few days or even weeks. I honestly thought I would lose my mind. I began wishing I could just put my child’s head in the dryer and that’s when I came up with this meathod – I never saw lice again.

After you have completed the living area clean sweep. AND after you have combed through their hair to remove the nits and lice. Start the final step with dry hair.

Pull all the hair on top of their head except for the bottom 1-2 inches. Then with a heated flat iron, iron out hair a few inches at a time. Try to get as close to the scalp as possible without burning the head. Sweep this hair to the side let down another 2 inches and continue the steps until all hair had been done.

Repeat every morning until you feel sure all lice are gone. Also continue to change pillow cases for the infected individual until you feel sure head to lice are gone.

And that’s it!

Ok, I know… you may be thinking, “That’s it!?!” Yes, this is a lot of work I wish I could say, “just use a hot iron” – but the truth is you need to activity rid your area of lice as well, to truly be lice free.

Stay away from all the toxic chemicals and shampoos – they don’t work and they’re horrible for your health.

If you want to keep reading, 😄 I’ve shared some tips about the right lice comb to get ect. Best wishes, may lice never hit your home, but if they do may you find this article.

The Best Lice Comb to Use

The best comb I used came in my organic shampoo set. It was a medium green color which actually made it easier to see the lice. Lice eggs are white, but newly hatched lice have a bit of black in them and they jump around.

Another lice comb I had was black. I think the idea was to more easily see the lice eggs, but it didn’t work. You can see lice eggs with the naked eye, but it’s hard to see the newly hatched darker lice. A light colored lice comb works best. You then wipe them off the comb onto a tissue and throw away (out of your house).

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